International computer science series

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頁數: [ 1 ] 2
logic :
logic :
discrete mathematics for computer sc...
discrete mathematics for computer scientists /
software engineering /
software engineering /
introduction to expert systems /
introduction to expert systems /
concurrent programming /
concurrent programming /
performance modelling of communicati...
performance modelling of communication networks and computer architectures /
models and languages of object-orien...
models and languages of object-oriented databases /
software engineering /
software engineering /
introduction to programming with mod...
introduction to programming with modula-2 /
programming in ada /
programming in ada /
analysis of algorithms and data stru...
analysis of algorithms and data structures /
theory of computability :
theory of computability :
concurrent systems :
concurrent systems :
local area network architectures /
local area network architectures /
logic programming and knowledge engi...
logic programming and knowledge engineering /
programming in ada /
programming in ada /
algorithms and data structures :
algorithms and data structures :
unix system /
unix system /
software engineering /
software engineering /
comparative programming languages /
comparative programming languages /