wavelet image and video compression /
wavelet image and video compression /
interoperating geographic informatio...
interoperating geographic information systems /
on-chip esd protection for integrate...
on-chip esd protection for integrated circuits
turbo coding for satellite and wirel...
turbo coding for satellite and wireless communications
anytime, anywhere computing
anytime, anywhere computing
rf cmos power amplifiers
wireless personal communications
wireless personal communications
optical wdm networks
buffering techniques for delivery of...
buffering techniques for delivery of compressed video in video-on-demand systems /
data mining in finance
performance analysis of telecommunic...
performance analysis of telecommunications and local area networks
web caching and its applications
web caching and its applications
verilog quickstart
foundations of dependable computing :
foundations of dependable computing :
architectures for rf frequency synth...
architectures for rf frequency synthesizers
finite fields for computer scientist...
finite fields for computer scientists and engineers /
systematic design of analog ip blocks /
systematic design of analog ip blocks /
doppler applications in leo satellit...
doppler applications in leo satellite communication systems
computer-aided design and synthesis ...
computer-aided design and synthesis environment for analog integrated circuits
vision chips /