primer of algebraic geometry :
primer of algebraic geometry :
real and complex analysis /
real and complex analysis /
certain number-theoretic episodes in...
certain number-theoretic episodes in algebra /
infinite divisibility of probability...
infinite divisibility of probability distributions on the real line /
elements of real analysis /
elements of real analysis /
algorithmic lie theory for solving o...
algorithmic lie theory for solving ordinary differential equations /
noncommutative geometry and cayley-s...
noncommutative geometry and cayley-smooth orders /
mathematical models and methods for ...
mathematical models and methods for real world systems /
coding theory :
introduction to linear programming :
introduction to linear programming :
multivariable calculus /
incidence algebras /
difference equations with applicatio...
difference equations with applications to queues /
cogalois theory /
measure and integral :
algorithms for linear-quadratic opti...
algorithms for linear-quadratic optimization /
combinatorial designs /
elements of bayesian statistics /
elements of bayesian statistics /
integer flows and cycle covers of gr...
integer flows and cycle covers of graphs /
conditional measures and applications /
conditional measures and applications /