NATO science for peace and security series.

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頁數: [ 1 ] 2 3 4 5
nuclear security culture
nuclear security culture
security informatics and terrorism
security informatics and terrorism
engineering methods and tools for so...
engineering methods and tools for software safety and security
mining massive data sets for security
mining massive data sets for security
web intelligence and security
web intelligence and security
intelligent textiles and clothing fo...
intelligent textiles and clothing for ballistic and nbc protection
protocol for treatment of post traum...
protocol for treatment of post traumatic stress disorder
global security
global security
software agents, agent systems and t...
software agents, agent systems and their applications
transport and reactivity of solution...
transport and reactivity of solutions in confined hydrosystems
critical infrastructure protection
critical infrastructure protection
perseverance of terrorism
perseverance of terrorism
engineering crystallography
engineering crystallography
lessons to be learned from non-proli...
lessons to be learned from non-proliferation failures and successes
defence against terrorism
defence against terrorism
lowering suicide risk in returning t...
lowering suicide risk in returning troops
enhancing cryptographic primitives w...
enhancing cryptographic primitives with techniques from error correcting codes
non-traditional security threats and...
non-traditional security threats and regional cooperation in the southern caucasus
soft target protection
soft target protection
suicide bombers :
suicide bombers :