New ICMI studies series ;

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mathematics education as a research ...
mathematics education as a research domain :
future of the teaching and learning ...
future of the teaching and learning of algebra
towards gender equity in mathematics...
towards gender equity in mathematics education
history in mathematics education /
history in mathematics education /
perspectives on the teaching of geom...
perspectives on the teaching of geometry for the 21st century /
teaching and learning of mathematics...
teaching and learning of mathematics at university level :
towards gender equity in mathematics...
towards gender equity in mathematics education :
towards gender equity in mathematics...
towards gender equity in mathematics education
future of the teaching and learning ...
future of the teaching and learning of algebra
history in mathematics education
history in mathematics education
teaching and learning of mathematics...
teaching and learning of mathematics at university level
professional education and developme...
professional education and development of teachers of mathematics :
teaching and learning of mathematics...
teaching and learning of mathematics at university level