New directions for teaching and learning,

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self-regulated learning /
self-regulated learning /
decoding the disciplines :
decoding the disciplines :
evaluating teaching in higher educat...
evaluating teaching in higher education :
advancing faculty learning through i...
advancing faculty learning through interdisciplinary collaboration /
bringing problem-based learning to h...
bringing problem-based learning to higher education :
building faculty learning communities /
building faculty learning communities /
fresh approaches to the evaluation o...
fresh approaches to the evaluation of teaching /
applying the science of learning to ...
applying the science of learning to university teaching and beyond /diane f. halpern, milton d. hakel, editors.
identity, learning, and the liberal ...
identity, learning, and the liberal arts /
disciplinary differences in teaching...
disciplinary differences in teaching and learning :
spirituality in higher education /
spirituality in higher education /
enhancing learning with laptops in t...
enhancing learning with laptops in the classroom /
technology :
technology :
using active learning in college cla...
using active learning in college classes :
scholarship in the postmodern era :
scholarship in the postmodern era :
online student ratings of instruction /
online student ratings of instruction /
approaches to teaching non-native en...
approaches to teaching non-native english speakers across the curriculum /
principles of effective teaching in ...
principles of effective teaching in the online classroom /
alternative strategies for evaluatin...
alternative strategies for evaluating student learning /
addressing faculty and student class...
addressing faculty and student classroom improprieties /