Occasional paper ;

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明清詠史詩集知見錄(清代) =
明清詠史詩集知見錄(清代) =
珠三角港臺資的變遷及其對地方產業升級影響之比較研究 :
珠三角港臺資的變遷及其對地方產業升級影響之比較研究 :
「東亞漢字文化圈」各國古代小說的淵源發展 =
「東亞漢字文化圈」各國古代小說的淵源發展 =
anthropology in history and history ...
anthropology in history and history in anthropology /
attracting high technology investment
attracting high technology investment
impact of emu on selected non-europe...
impact of emu on selected non-european-union countries /
resilience and growth through sustai...
resilience and growth through sustained adjustment :
唐詩本事中的詩學觀念 =
唐詩本事中的詩學觀念 =
蕙風散佚詞研究 =
蕙風散佚詞研究 =
香港的親職壓力、教養風格取向與家庭功能 :
香港的親職壓力、教養風格取向與家庭功能 :
干將莫邪傳說研究 =
干將莫邪傳說研究 =
financial sector crisis and restruct...
financial sector crisis and restructuring :
論明清之際蘇州派戲曲家朱素臣 =
論明清之際蘇州派戲曲家朱素臣 =
west african economic and monetary u...
west african economic and monetary union :
algeria :
algeria :
pension regimes and saving /
pension regimes and saving /
趙弼及其《效顰集》研究 =
趙弼及其《效顰集》研究 =
況周儀《存悔詞》版本硏究 =
況周儀《存悔詞》版本硏究 =
《存悔詞》足本 =
《存悔詞》足本 =