Oxford lecture series in mathematics and its applications ;

[1 - 20] from 14 results found (0.27 sec)
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mathematical geophysics :
mathematical geophysics :
singular elliptic problems :
singular elliptic problems :
introduction to semilinear evolution...
introduction to semilinear evolution equations /
knots and quantum gravity /
knots and quantum gravity /
topics on analysis in metric spaces /
topics on analysis in metric spaces /
factorization method for inverse pro...
factorization method for inverse problems /
function spaces and partial differen...
function spaces and partial differential equations /
one-dimensional variational problems :
one-dimensional variational problems :
connections in combinatorial optimiz...
connections in combinatorial optimization /
dynamical yang-baxter equation, repr...
dynamical yang-baxter equation, representation theory, and quantum integrable systems /
introduction to the mathematical the...
introduction to the mathematical theory of compressible flow /
advances in linear and integer progr...
advances in linear and integer programming /
statistical mechanics of interacting...
statistical mechanics of interacting walks, polygons, animals and vesicles /
mathematical topics in fluid mechanics /
mathematical topics in fluid mechanics /
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