Pitt Latin American series

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challenged hegemony
challenged hegemony
medicine and politics in colonial peru
medicine and politics in colonial peru
vigorous core of our nationality
vigorous core of our nationality
salt and the colombian state
salt and the colombian state
bread, or bullets!
bread, or bullets!
images and intervention :
images and intervention :
electing chavez
electing chavez
forced agreement
forced agreement
unresolved tensions :
unresolved tensions :
gender, state, and medicine in highl...
gender, state, and medicine in highland ecuador
media, sound, and culture in latin a...
media, sound, and culture in latin america and the caribbean
end of the peasantry
end of the peasantry
"i sweat the flavor of tin"
"i sweat the flavor of tin"
workers and welfare
workers and welfare
unequal partners
unequal partners
nationalizing blackness
nationalizing blackness
poverty of democracy
poverty of democracy
struggles of voice :
struggles of voice :