Routledge studies in the growth economies of Asia ;

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intellectual property valuation and ...
intellectual property valuation and innovation :
china as the world factory /
china as the world factory /
china as the world factory
china as the world factory
capitalist development and economism...
capitalist development and economism in east asia :
economy of the philippines
economy of the philippines
business practices in southeast asia
business practices in southeast asia
financial reform in china /
financial reform in china /
china's state-owned enterprise reforms :
china's state-owned enterprise reforms :
private enterprises and china's econ...
private enterprises and china's economic development
banking reform in southeast asia
banking reform in southeast asia
hong kong as an international financ...
hong kong as an international financial centre
intellectual property valuation and ...
intellectual property valuation and innovation
economy of the philippines :
economy of the philippines :
law and labour market regulation in ...
law and labour market regulation in east asia
globalization and the indian economy
globalization and the indian economy
china and india
china and india
innovation and business partnering i...
innovation and business partnering in japan, europe, and the united states
asia pacific dynamism 1550-2000 /
asia pacific dynamism 1550-2000 /
financial development and economic g...
financial development and economic growth in malaysia /
china's entry to the wto
china's entry to the wto