noncommutative dynamics and e-semigr...
noncommutative dynamics and e-semigroups /
mathematical topics between classica...
mathematical topics between classical and quantum mechanics /
spherical inversion on sln(r) /
spherical inversion on sln(r) /
complex analysis of infinite dimensi...
complex analysis of infinite dimensional spaces /
high-dimensional knot theory :
high-dimensional knot theory :
groups acting on hyperbolic space :
groups acting on hyperbolic space :
introduction to singularities and de...
introduction to singularities and deformations /
sobolev spaces, their generalization...
sobolev spaces, their generalizations and elliptic problems in smooth and lipschitz domains
real algebraic varieties
notes on real analysis and measure t...
notes on real analysis and measure theory
representation theory of finite grou...
representation theory of finite group extensions
bernoulli numbers and zeta functions
bernoulli numbers and zeta functions
fractal geometry, complex dimensions...
fractal geometry, complex dimensions and zeta functions :
development of prime number theory :
development of prime number theory :
random dynamical systems /
random dynamical systems /
galois cohomology /
asymptotic cones and functions in op...
asymptotic cones and functions in optimization and variational inequalities
thom spectra, orientability, and cob...
thom spectra, orientability, and cobordism
normal forms and unfoldings for loca...
normal forms and unfoldings for local dynamical systems
nonlinear differential equations of ...
nonlinear differential equations of monotone types in banach spaces