elements of computational statistics /
elements of computational statistics /
introduction to statistics with python
introduction to statistics with python
evolutionary statistical procedures
evolutionary statistical procedures
random number generation and monte c...
random number generation and monte carlo methods /
branch-and-bound applications in com...
branch-and-bound applications in combinatorial data analysis /
local regression and likelihood
local regression and likelihood
basics of s-plus
numerical analysis for statisticians
numerical analysis for statisticians
developing statistical software in f...
developing statistical software in fortran 95
mixed-effects models in s and s-plus /
mixed-effects models in s and s-plus /
modern applied statistics with s-plus /
modern applied statistics with s-plus /
local regression and likelihood
local regression and likelihood
basics of s and s-plus
r for sas and spss users
sas/iml companion for linear models
sas/iml companion for linear models
numerical analysis for statisticians
numerical analysis for statisticians
s programming /
random number generation and monte c...
random number generation and monte carlo methods
introductory statistics with r
introductory statistics with r
numerical linear algebra for applica...
numerical linear algebra for applications in statistics /