identification and stochastic adapti...
identification and stochastic adaptive control /
mathematical control theory
mathematical control theory
model-based control of networked systems
model-based control of networked systems
attractive ellipsoids in robust control
attractive ellipsoids in robust control
convex functional analysis
convex functional analysis
traffic congestion control by pde ba...
traffic congestion control by pde backstepping
analysis and design of nonlinear con...
analysis and design of nonlinear control systems =
stability analysis of nonlinear systems
stability analysis of nonlinear systems
introduction to time-delay systems
introduction to time-delay systems
advances in statistical control, alg...
advances in statistical control, algebraic systems theory, and dynamic systems characteristics
self-oscillations in dynamic systems
self-oscillations in dynamic systems
stochastic analysis, control, optimi...
stochastic analysis, control, optimization and applications :
finite horizon h [infinity] and rela...
finite horizon h [infinity] and related control problems /
hierarchical decision making in stoc...
hierarchical decision making in stochastic manufacturing systems /
stability theory for dynamic equatio...
stability theory for dynamic equations on time scale
synchronization of multi-agent syste...
synchronization of multi-agent systems in the presence of disturbances and delays
first-order representations of linea...
first-order representations of linear systems /
theory of chattering control with ap...
theory of chattering control with applications to astronautics, robotics, economics, and engineering /
methods of algebraic geometry in con...
methods of algebraic geometry in control theory /
set-theoretic methods in control
set-theoretic methods in control