電影片 - 美國

Works: 18 works in 17 publications in 17 languages
紅磨坊 : = 電影幕後製作寫真專輯 / by: (Language materials, printed)
王者天下 = Kingdom of heaven / by: (Projected and video material)
獵殺紅色十月 = The hunt for red October / by: (Projected and video material)
最後一擊 = Cinderella man / by: (Projected and video material)
失落的親情 = Brave Spirit / by: (Projected and video material)
阿根廷,別為我哭泣 = EVITA / by: (Projected and video material)
搶錢大作戰 = Boiler room / by: (Projected and video material)
社群網戰 = The Social Network / by: (Projected and video material)
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