Ceramic materials
Works: | 33 works in 3 publications in 3 languages |
Institute of Energy's Second International Conference on Ceramics in Energy Applications : = proceedings of the Institute of Energy conference held in London, UK. on 20-21 April 1994 /
(Language materials, printed)
Nanostructured materials and systems = a collection of papers presented at the 8th Pacific Rim Conference on Ceramic and Glass Technology, May 31-June 5, 2009, Vancouver, British Columbia /
(Electronic resources)
Advanced ceramic coatings and interfaces V = a collection of papers presented at the 34th International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, January 24-29, 2010, Daytona Beach, Florida /
(Electronic resources)
Advances in bioceramics and porous ceramics III = a collection of papers presented at the 34th International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, January 24-29, 2010, Daytona Beach, Florida /
(Electronic resources)
Advances in polymer derived ceramics and composites = a collection of papers presented at the 8th Pacific Rim Conference on Ceramic and Glass Technology, May 31-June 5, 2009, Vancouver, British Columbia /
(Electronic resources)
Strategic materials and computational design = a collection of papers presented at the 34th International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, January 24-29, 2010, Daytona Beach, Florida /
(Electronic resources)
Advances in ceramic armor VIII = a collection of papers presented at the 36th International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, January 22-27, 2012, Daytona Beach, Florida /
(Electronic resources)
Advances in bioceramics and porous ceramics V = a collection of papers presented at the 36th international conference on advanced ceramics and composites, January 22-27, 2012, Daytona Beach, Florida /
(Electronic resources)
Ceramic materials for energy applications II = a collection of papers presented at the 36th International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, January 22-27, 2012, Daytona Beach, Florida /
(Electronic resources)
Developments in strategic materials and computational design III = a collection of papers presented at the 36th international conference on advanced ceramics and composites, January 22-27, 2012, Daytona Beach, Florida /
(Electronic resources)
Innovative processing and manufacturing of advanced ceramics and composites = a collection of papers presented at the 8th Pacific Rim Conference on Ceramic and Glass Technology, May 31-June 5, 2009, Vancouver, British Columbia /
(Electronic resources)
Mechanical properties and performance of engineering ceramics and composites V = a collection of papers presented at the 34th International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, January 24-29, 2010, Dayton Beach, Florida /
(Electronic resources)
Advances in bioceramics and biotechnologies = a collection of papers presented at the 8th Pacific Rim Conference on Ceramic and Glass Technology, May 31-June 5, 2009, Vancouver, British Columbia /
(Electronic resources)
Advances in ceramic armor IX = a collection of papers presented at the 37th International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, January 27-February 1, 2013, Daytona Beach, Florida /
(Electronic resources)
Advances in bioceramics and porous ceramics VI = a collection of papers presented at the 37th International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites January 27-February 2, 2013 Daytona Beach, Florida /
(Electronic resources)
Ceramic materials for energy applications III = a collection of papers presents at the 37th International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, January 27-February 1, 2013, Dayton Beach, Florida /
(Electronic resources)
Design, development, and applications of structural ceramics, composites, and nanomaterials = a collection of papers presented at the 10th Pacific Rim Conference on Ceramic and Glass Technology, June 2-6, 2013, Coronado, California /
(Electronic resources)
Advances in materials science for environmental and energy technologies II
(Electronic resources)
Mechanical properties and performance of engineering ceramics and composites VIII = a collection of papers presented at the 37th International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, January 27-February 1, 2013, Dayton Beach, Florida /
(Electronic resources)
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