Chang, Kuo-Chung
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客服管理教練技能、情緒智力、職場友誼對工作滿意度的影響 = = The Effects of Customer Service Management Coaching Skills, Emotional Intelligence and Workplace Friendships on Job Satisfaction /
趙麗珍; 張國忠; Chao, Li-Jen; Chang, Kuo-Chung
轉換型領導、衝突管理與工作滿意度關聯性研究 = = The Relationships Among Transformational Leadership, Conflict Management, and Job Satisfaction : 以資訊人員為例 /
張國忠; Tsai, Chia-Ling; Chang, Kuo-Chung; 蔡佳玲
董監事大股東持股比例與機構法人持股比例對金融控股公司經營績效之影響 = = The Effects of the Ownership of Board of Directors and InstitutionaOwnership on Operating Performance of Financial Holding Companiesl /
Chang, Kuo-Chung; 吳魯恆; 張國忠; Wu, Lu-Heng
綠色產品之包裝視覺設計對購買意願的影響 = = The Effects of Package Visual Design of the Green Product on Purchase Intention:Product Involvement as Modulating Factor : 產品涉入程度為調節作用 /
江帛純; Chiang, Bo-Chun; Chang, Kuo-Chung; 張國忠
銀行信用卡之關係價值、顧客信任、顧客承諾對顧客忠誠度影響研究 = = The Relationship Among Relationship Value, Customer Trust, Commitment, and Customer Loyalty of Bank's Credit Card /
陳怡妏; Chen, Yi-Wen; Chang, Kuo-Chung; 張國忠
以品牌權益觀點探討遊戲玩家轉換線上遊戲之意向 = = The Influences of Online Game Player's Switch Intentions:The Perspective of Brand Equity /
賴泳璋; 張國忠; Lai, Yong-Zhang; Chang, Kuo-Chung
派遣人員工作特性與留任意願之關聯性研究 = = A Study on the Relationships between Work Characteristics and Retention Intention of Dispatched Manpower:The Case of Chunghwa Telecom Customer Service Department : 以中華電信客服部門為例 /
張華萃; 林向杰; 張國忠; Chang, Hua-Tsui; Chang, Kuo-Chung; Lin, Hsiang-Chieh
轉換型領導與組織承諾關聯之研究 = = The Relationship Between Transformational Leadership and Organizational Commitment:A Case of female R&D Employees in C Telecom Corporation. : 以C電信公司女性研究人員為例 /
張國忠; Chang, Kuo-Chung; 王純敏; Wang, Chun-Min
台灣電信業者之會員制行銷策略研究 = = The study of Membership Marketing Strategies in Taiwan Telecommunication Service Companies /
陳淑君; 張國忠; Chen, Shu-Jun; Chang, Kuo-Chung
產品創新特質對採用意願影響研究 = = The Influence of the Product Innovation on Customer Adoption Willingness-A Case of i-care Smart Phones : 以中華電信i顧家智慧話機為例 /
張國忠; Chang, Kuo-Chung; Yu, Wen-Chen; 于文珍
數位服務便利性對多媒體隨選視訊服務購買意圖之影響 = = The Influence of E-Convenience on Consumers' Purchase Intentions of Multimedia on Demand Services:An Empirical Study of Chunghwa Telecom's MOD : 以中華電信MOD為例 /
張國忠; Chen, Hui-Lin; 陳慧鈴; Chang, Kuo-Chung
我國企業社會責任型基金績效探討 = = The Study of Corporate Social Responsibility Fund Performances in Taiwan /
王睦仁; 張國忠; Wang, Mu-Jen; Chang, Kuo-Chung
數位遊戲產業制度變革探討 = = Digital Gaming Industry System Change:The Case Study of Company A : 以A公司為例 /
張峻豪; 張國忠; Chang, Chun-Hao; Chang, Kuo-Chung
用電管理節能效益之分析 = = The Benefit Analysis of Energy Management:The Case Study of iEN Service Provided by C Telecommunication Company : 以C電信公司產品iEN為例 /
陳淑真; 張國忠; Chen, Su-Chen; Chang, Kuo-Chung
企業社會責任對品牌形象與顧客忠誠度影響之探討 = = The Influence of Corporate Social Responsibility to the Brand Image and the Customer Loyalty:An Empirical Study of Chunghwa Telecom : 以中華電信為例 /
張國忠; Chang, Kuo-Chung; Chung, Tsai-Ling; 鍾采羚
The Effects of the Public Relations on Company's Reputation in Mongolian Mining Industry = = 公共關係對公司聲譽的影響:以蒙古礦業為例 /
張國忠; Nyamsuren, Baljinnyam ; NyamsurenBaljinnyam; Chang, Kuo-Chung
關係效果對治理機制與買賣關係之調節作用 = = The Moderating Effects of Guanxi on the Relationship between Governance Mechanisms and Buyer - Supplier Relationship /
張國忠; Chang, Kuo-Chung; 毛瑞輿; Mao, Ruei-Yu
組織公平、工作滿足與組織公民行為關聯性之研究 = = The Study of the Relationship among Organizational Justice, Job Satisfaction and Organizational Citizenship Behavior:An Empirical Study of Chunghwa Telecom : 以中華電信為例 /
張國忠; Ou Yang, Hsiao-Chin; 歐陽孝勤; Chang, Kuo-Chung
談判資訊不道德的兩難,道德如何被決策?是議題本身、個人人格或文化特質? = = The moral dilemma in the negotiations, how moral issue, Individual personality, and cultural trait effects in the ethical decision-making? /
洪玉昇; 張國忠; Hung, Yu-Sheng; Chang, Kuo-Chung