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Jung, C. G. (1875-1961.)

Works: 17 works in 33 publications in 3 languages
The psyche in antiquity.. Book two,. Gnosticism and early Christianity, from Paul of Tarsus to Augustine by: NetLibrary, Inc.; Edinger, Edward F. (1922-) (Language materials, printed)
The archetypes and the collective unconscious / by: Hull, R. F. C. (1913-1974.); Jung, C. G. (1875-1961.) (Language materials, printed)
Jung / by: Snowden, Ruth. (Language materials, printed)
The collected works of C.G. Jung / by: Jung, C. G. (1875-1961.); Adler, Gerhard, (1904-); Fordham, Michael Scott Montague.; Read, Herbert Edward, (Sir,) (1893-1968.) (Language materials, printed)
C. G. Jung speaking : = interviews and encounters / by: Hull, R. F. C. (1913-1974.); McGuire, William, (1917-) (Language materials, printed)
Modern man in search of a soul / by: Baynes, Cary F.; Dell, William Stanley,; Jung, C. G. (1875-1961.) (Language materials, printed)
C.G. Jung, Psychological reflections : = a new anthology of his writings, 1905-1961 / by: Jung, C. G. (1875-1961.); Jacobi, Jolande Szekacs, (1890-) (Language materials, printed)
Spiritualism and the foundations of C.G. Jung's psychology by: NetLibrary, Inc.; Charet, F. X., (1949-) (Electronic resources)
Nietzsche and Jung : = the whole self in the union of opposites / by: Huskinson, Lucy, (1976-.) (Language materials, printed)
Carl Gustav Jung : = critical assessments / by: Papadopoulos, Renos K. (Language materials, printed)
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心理學 Jungian psychology. Good and evil. Emotions. Biographical films. Science. Philosophy. Religion- Philosophy. Mothers- Psychology. Archetype (Psychology) Self. Psychoanalysis- Quotations, maxims, etc. Symbolism (Psychology) Biblography- Index. Poetry- Psychological aspects. Subconsciousness in literature. Personality assessment. Play Therapy. Causation. Coincidence- Psychic aspects. Therapeutics, Suggestive. Christianity- Psychology. Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, Jungian Theory. Gnosticism- History. Gnosticism- Psychology. Obesity in women- Psychological aspects. Women- Psychology. Blake, William,- Illustrations of the book of Job. Psychologie et religion. Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von,- Faust. Rainbow serpent- Psychological aspects. Hommes- Psychologie. Masculinit歋 (Psychologie) Ombre (Psychanalyse) Homosexuality, Male- Psychological aspects. Homosexuels masculins- Psychologie. Communication interpersonnelle. Saturn (Roman deity) Identit歋 (Psychologie) Personnalit歋. Melville, Herman,- Knowledge Souffrance. Aliments- Aspect psychologique. Fromm, Erich, Subconsciousness. Alchemy. Symbolism (Psychology). Psychiatry- Philosophy. Psychology. Love. Bible.- O.T.- Criticism, interpretation, etc. Fairy tales- History and criticism. Ethics. Psychoanalysis- Addresses, essays, lectures. Child development. Personality. Archetype (Psychology). Chaotic behavior in systems. Children- Counseling of. Picture interpretation. Shame. Klein, Melanie. Psychotherapist and patient. Psychology- Biographical methods. Spiritualism. East and West. Psychoanalysis- Collected works. Jung, Carl Gustav, Homme (Th歋ologie chr歋tienne)- Histoire des doctrines- 20e si墈cle. Narcissisme. Anorexia Nervosa- psychology. Actualisation de soi. Mythology, Aboriginal Australian- Psychological aspects. Castration- Aspect psychologique. Good and evil- Psychological aspects Middle age- Psychological aspects. 禈ge moyen- Aspect psychologique. Peur. Meaning (Psychology) Organizational change. Fairy tales- Psychological aspects. Archetypes in literature. Cognitive psychology. Projection (Psychology). Mental illness. Psychoanalysis and literature. Christianity. Sociobiology. Christianity- Psychology- 20th century. Adulthood- Psychological aspects. Identity (Psychology) Mind and body. Jungian psychology- History. Educational psychology. Hypnosis. Nature- Psychological aspects. Composition (Language arts)- Therapeutic use. Kohut, Heinz. Self-esteem. Group psychotherapy. Freud, Sigmund, Sandplay- Therapeutic use. Postmodernism- Psychological aspects. Psychologie analytique. Anorexia nervosa. Ob歋sit歋- Aspect psychologique. Serpent Arc-en-ciel- Psychologie. Castration anxiety. Rage. 禈me. 榼motions. Habitudes alimentaires- Aspect psychologique. Ethnology- Africa. Children's literature- Psychological aspects. Utopias. Group work in education Psychoanalysis. Psychoanalysts- Biography.- Switzerland Developmental psychology. Psychoanalysts- Biography. Psychoanalysis- History. Typology (Psychology) Ego (Psychology) Sex (Psychology). Women and psychoanalysis. Sex differences (Psychology) Interpersonal relations. Gnosticism. Psychoanalysis and fairy tales. Organizational behavior. Mythology, Greek- Psychological aspects. Psychophysics- collected works. Civilization, Modern- 20th century. Creative ability. Psychoanalytic Theory. Blake, William,- Knowledge Imagination in literature. English language- Composition and exercises Parapsychology. Myth- Psychological aspects. Mysticism- History. Divination. Personality Disorders. Anorexie mentale. Menopause- Psychological aspects. Women's dreams. Psychoanalytic Interpretation. Bible.- A.T.- Illustrations. Psychanalyse. Masculinity. Gay men- Psychology. Relations humaines. Aging- Psychological aspects. Vieillissement- Aspect psychologique. Jung, C. G.- Et la litt歋rature. Pata鄚jali.- Yogas廡tra. Children in literature. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. Personnel Management. Psychologists Psychotherapy. Psychology, Religious. Criticism. Hypnotism- Therapeutic use. Dance therapy. Adolescent psychotherapy. Psychiatry and religion. Yoga. Women- Mental health. Women- psychology. Blake, William,- Psychology. Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von,- Symbolism. Arch歋type (Psychologie) Mythologie australienne (aborig墈ne)- Psychologie. Interpersonal communication. Older people- Psychology. Personnes 粺g歋es- Psychologie. Middle Aged- psychology. Melville, Herman,- Moby Dick. Philosophie ancienne- Aspect psychologique. Fairy tales- France. Gross, Otto, Shakespeare, William,- Knowledge Shakespeare, William,- Tragicomedies. Shakespeare, William,- Hamlet. Psychoanalysis and literature- England. Psychoanalysts- Biography. - Switzerland Psychoanalysis and religion. Franz, Marie-Louise von,- Interviews. Word Association Tests- collected works. Symbolism. Psychology in literature. Sullivan, Harry Stack, Dream interpretation. Visions- History. Psychoanalysis and religion- History- 20th century. Psychanalyse- Aspect religieux- 20e si墈cle. Perfection- Psychological aspects. R綣ves chez la femme. Dieu. Men- psychology. Aging- psychology. Soul. Voyages to the otherworld in literature. Food habits- Psychological aspects. Mythe- Aspect psychologique. Africa- Description and travel. Reich, Wilhelm, Engineering Economics, Organization, Logistics, Marketing. Jung, C. G. Immortality. Individuation (Psychology) Mythology. Transpersonal psychology. Mother and child. Psychology, Industrial. Work- Psychological aspects. Psychoanalytic counseling. Coincidence. Time perception. Literature- Psychology. Marriage. Psychoanalysis in literature. Psychoanalysts- Correspondence.- Europe Archetype (Psychology) in literature. Reason in literature. Child psychotherapy. Children- Language. Narcissism. Psychoanalysts- Biography.- Austria Psychoanalytic Therapy- methods. Myth. Spiritisme. Psychology and religion. Man (Christian theology)- History of doctrines- 20th century. Obesity- psychology. Menopause. Anxiety, Castration. Psychoanalysis and fairy tales- France. Religion and Psychology. Psychology- methods. Drama- Psychological aspects. Economics/Management Science. Death- Psychological aspects. Complexes (Psychology) Dreams. Symbolisme (Psychologie). Bedier, Joseph,- Romance of Tristan and Iseult. Conscience. Psychoanalytic interpretation. Change (Psychology) Self-actualization (Psychology) Psychoanalysis and culture. School psychology. Imagination- History. Tillich, Paul, F歋minit歋 (Psychologie) M歋nopause- Aspect psychologique. Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von,- Symbolisme. Men- Psychology. P歋nis- Aspect psychologique. Bien et mal- Aspect psychologique. Homosexuality in literature. Homosexualit歋 masculine- Aspect psychologique. Aged- psychology. Individuation (Psychologie) Psychological fiction, American- History and criticism. Food- Psychological aspects. Philosophy, Ancient- Psychological aspects. Jung, C. G.- Travel- Africa. Symbolism in fairy tales- France. 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