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作品: 1 作品在 5 項出版品 1 種語言
Women's social rights and entitlements / by: Anker, Christien van den, (1965-.); Guichon, Audrey.; Novikova, Irina,.; Europe (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
Women and social policies in Europe : = work, family and the state / by: Lewis, Jane; Europe (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
The third sector in Europe by: NetLibrary, Inc.; Europe; Evers, Adalbert.; Laville, Jean-Louis. (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
United in diversity? = comparing social models in Europe and America / by: Alber, Jens, (1947-); Gilbert, Neil, (1940-); University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)., Center for International Policy Exchanges.; Europe; United States (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
States and the making of others = perspectives on social state institutions and othering in Southern Africa and Western Europe / by: South Africa; Europe; SpringerLink (Online service); Bouyat, Jeanne.; Le Bellec, Amandine.; Puygrenier, Lucas. (書目-電子資源)
The European dream : = how Europe's vision of the future is quietly eclipsing the American dream / by: Rifkin, Jeremy.; Europe; Europe; United States; United States (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
The political economy of policy ideas = the European strategy of active inclusion in context / by: Europe; Europe; Europe; SpringerLink (Online service); Scalise, Gemma. (書目-電子資源)
The OECD and European welfare states / by: Armingeon, K.; Beyeler, Michelle, (1974-); Europe; Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
Social work and minorities : = European perspectives / by: Europe; Europe; Williams, Charlotte, (1954-); Soydan, Haluk, (1946-); Johnson, Mark, (1948 Mar. 16-) (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
The third sector as a renewable resource for Europe = concepts, impacts, challenges and opportunities / by: Europe; Europe; Europe; SpringerLink (Online service); Enjolras, Bernard. (書目-電子資源)
Women- Social conditions.- Europe Great Britain- Social policy. Quality of life- Europe. Public-private sector cooperation- Europe. Family services- Europe. Discrimination- South Africa European Union countries- Social policy. Women- Government policy- Europe. Privatization- Europe. Women's rights- Europe. Democracy- Economic aspects- Europe. United States- Economic policy. European Union. Europe- Foreign economic relations. Child care- Government policy- Europe. Sociology of Family, Youth and Aging. Children, Youth and Family Policy. Women- Social conditions.- Great Britain Globalization- Social aspects. Globalization- Economic aspects. Economic policy- Case studies. Cooperation- Europe. Politics of the Welfare State. Europe- Social policy. United States- Economic policy- 1993-2001. United States- Social policy- 1993-. Marginality, Social- Europe. Social isolation- Europe. Public welfare administration- Europe. Quality of life- United States. Assimilation (Sociology) Europe- Race relations. Europe- Economic conditions. Social Work and Community Development. Europe- Economic policy. Europe- Politics and government- 1945- Social problems- Europe. Non-governmental organizations- Europe. Economic development- Social aspects- Europe. Economic development- Social aspects- United States. Public welfare- United States. European Politics. Europe- Social conditions. Discrimination- Europe, Western Welfare state. Welfare state- Europe. Economic development- Europe. Social policy- International cooperation. Social history- 21st century. Globalization- Economic aspects- Europe. Globalization- Social aspects- Europe. Social Sciences. Organizational Studies, Economic Sociology. Mothers- Employment- Europe. Social policy- Comparative method. Social policy- History. Families- Europe. Comparative Social Policy. Europe- Economic conditions- 21st century. Europe- Economic integration. Social policy Citizenship- Europe. Power (Social sciences)- Europe. Social action- Europe. Democratization- Europe. European Union countries- Foreign relations. Social work with minorities- Europe. Social Policy. Political Sociology. Sociology of Work. South Africa- Social policy. Public welfare- Europe. Manpower policy- Europe. United States- Economic policy- 2001-. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Labor market- Europe. Nonprofit organizations- Europe. United States- Social policy. Work and family- Government policy- Europe. International Relations Theory.