Management learning : = integrating ...
Burgoyne, John

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  • Management learning : = integrating perspectives in theory and practice /
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : Monograph/item
    正題名/作者: Management learning :/ edited by John Burgoyne and Michael Reynolds.
    其他題名: integrating perspectives in theory and practice /
    其他作者: Burgoyne, John
    出版者: London :Sage, : 1997.,
    面頁冊數: viii, 342 p. :ill. ;24 cm.
    內容註: From management education and development to the study of management learning / Stephen Fox -- Research traditions in management learning/ Mark Easterby-Smith and Richard Thorpe -- The arena thesis : management development as a pluralistic meeting point / John Burgoyne and Brad Jackson -- Process philosophy and management learning : cultivating 'foresight' in management/ Robert Chia -- Groups, groupwork and beyond / Richard Boot and Michael Reynolds -- Problematic premises, presumptions, presuppositions and practices in management education and training/ Ian Cunningham and Graham Dawes -- The gender agenda : passion, perspective and project / Richard Boot and Morgan Tanton -- Management learning as discourse / Norman Fairclough and Ginny Hardy -- Critical management learning/ Hugh Willmott -- Management learning perspectives on business ethics / Robin Snell -- The developmental approach : a critical reconsideration / Monica Lee -- New technology and learning : accepting the challenge/ Vivien Hodgson -- Collaborative and self-reflective forms of inquiry in management research / Judi Marshall and Peter Reason -- Interpreting action learning/ Mike Pedler -- The internationalization of management learning : towards a radical perspective / Anna Lorbiecki -- Computer support for management learning / David McConnell -- Lessons from informal and incidental learning/ Victoria J. Marsick and Karen E. Watkins -- Towards a critical management pedagogy / Michael Reynolds.
    標題: Business education. -
    ISBN: 0803976437
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