Works: | 71 works in 11 publications in 11 languages |
運用線性結構模式探討服務品質對顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度之影響 = = Applying Linear Structural Equation Models to Study the Influence of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty : An Empirical Study of Chinese Petroleum Corporation Gas Stations : 以中油加油站為例 /
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金融業實施顧客關係管理對顧客忠誠度效應影響研究 = = The Effects of for Introducing Customer Relationship Management to Banking Industry on Customer Loyalty /
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探討中國大陸台商條碼產業顧客滿意度 = = The Study of Customer Satisfaction of Taiwanese Barcode Industry in China /
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探討銀行業導入顧客關係管理對顧客忠誠度之影響 = = The Effects of Introducing Customer Relationship Management to Banking Industry on Customer Loyalty : An Empirical Study of Internet Bank : 以網路銀行為例 /
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內部服務品質對外部服務品質影響之探討 = = A Study of the Effect of Internal Service Quality on External Service Quality : Banking Industry as an Example : 以銀行業為例 /
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百貨公司服務品質、顧客滿意度、顧客忠誠度與消費者生活型態關係之研究 = = The Study of the Relationship between Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Loyalty and Customer Life Style of Department Store in Taipei : 以台北市地區為例 /
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網路銀行客戶滿意度、忠誠度調查之實証研究 = = A Study of the Effect of Customer's Satisfaction and Customer's Loyalty on E-Banking : Fubon Bank as an Example : 以富邦銀行為例 /
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運用線性結構模式探討行動通信業者客服中心忠誠度之研究 = = Applying Linear Structural Equation Models to Study the Customer Loyalty of Mobile Telecommunicatuon Call Center /
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加油站複合商店之研究 = = The Research on Multi-Convenience Stores of Gas Station : Take the Regular Chain G-Stores of Chinese Petroleum Corporation in Taoyuan County for example : 以桃園地區中油直營站為例 /
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「原住民新聞雜誌」服務品質之研究 = = An Empirical Study of Aboriginal News Magazine's Service Quality : The Perspective of Aboriginal Audience as An Example : 以原住民閱聽人觀點為例 /
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運用線性結構模式探討服務品質、顧客滿意度、轉換成本與顧客忠誠度之關聯性 = = Applying Linear Structural Equation Models to Study the Influence of Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Switch Cost on Customer Loyalty : An Empirical Study of Taiwan Railway : 以台鐵東部幹線為例 /
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運用線性結構模式探討共同基金投資績效、服務品質、顧客滿意度、品牌權益對顧客忠誠度之影響 = = Applying Linear Structure Equation to discuss the influence of investment performance,service quality, customer satisfaction, and brand equity on customer loyalty in mutual fund /
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新聞電子報之服務品質衡量 = = The Service Quality Research of Electronic Newspaper /
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財富管理顧客忠誠度之探討 = = An In-Depth Discussion of Customer Loyalty in the Wealth Management : An Empirical Study of the Wealth Management Department at The International Commercial Bank of China : 以中國國際商業銀行財富管理部門為例 /
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運用線性結構關係模式探討共同基金涉入程度、服務品質、投資績效、顧客滿意度、品牌權益、知覺風險對顧客忠誠度之影響 : = 以台灣投資信託產業貴賓級客戶為例 /
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影響國內航線顧客忠誠度之相關探討 = = The Study of Influence Customer Loyalty in Domestic Airlines /
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運用結構方程模式探討品牌權益、服務品質、關係品質、知覺風險與顧客忠誠度之關係 = = Applying Structural Equation Model to Study the Influence of Brand Equity, Service Quality, Relationship Quality, Perceived Risk and Customer Loyalty : An Empirical Study of Security Industry in Taiwan : 以台灣證券業為例 /
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影響台灣地區遊客對香港迪士尼樂園顧客忠誠度關係之研究 = = The Study of the Effects to Customer Loyalty in Taiwan of Hong Kong Disneyland /
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電信網路業之服務品質、顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度關係之研究 = = The Research of Relationship among Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction, and Customer Loyalty in Telecommunication & ISP Business : An Empirical Study of Individual Subscribers Marketin Taiwan : 以台灣個人用戶市場為例 /
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運用結構方程模式探討服務品質、品牌權益、顧客價值、關係品質對顧客忠誠度之影響 = = Appling Structural Equation Modeling to Study How Service Quality, Brand Equity, Customer Value, and Relationship Quality to Influence Customer Loyalty : Take Taiwan Mobile Telecommunication Industry as An Example : 以台灣行動電信市場為例 /
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觀光休閒旅館之消費者體驗研究 = = The research of consumer experience by the recreation hotels /
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「顧客-公司認同」及其影響因素之探討 = = A Study on the Customer-Company Identification and Its Antecedents : Customers of the Department Stores in Taipei City as Example : 以台北市百貨公司的顧客為例 /
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運用結構方程模式探討品牌權益、服務品質、顧客滿意度、關係品質與顧客忠誠度之關係 = = Applying Structural Equation Modeling to Study the Relationship among Brand Equity, Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction, Relationship Quality, and Customer Loyalty : An Empirical Study of Petrol Stations in Taoyuan : 以桃園縣加油站為例 /
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運用結構方程模式探討咖啡連鎖店服務品質、感受價值、品牌權益、顧客滿意度、顧客忠誠度關係之研究 = = Applying Structural Equation Modeling to Study the Relationship among Service Quality, perceived value, Brand Equity, Customer Satisfaction, and Customer Loyalty : An Empirical Study of chain coffee shop in Taipei : 以台北市咖啡連鎖店為例 /
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運用結構方程模式探討服務品質、顧客滿意度、品牌權益、關係品質與顧客忠誠度之關係 = = Applying Structural Equation Model to Study the Influence of Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction, Brand Equity, Relationship Quality and Customer Loyalty : An Empirical Study of Preschool Education in Taoyuan : 以桃園縣幼教業為例 /
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運用結構方程模式探討產品品質、服務品質、顧客滿意度、商店形象與顧客忠誠度之關係 = = Applying Structural Equation Model to Study the Influence of Product Quality, Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction, Store Image and Customer Loyalty : An Empirical Study of Coffee Industy in Taiwan : 以咖啡連鎖店為例 /
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影響台灣地區汽車修理業顧客忠誠度關係之研究 = = The Study of the Effects to Customer Loyalty of Car Service Industry in Taiwan /
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民宿顧客忠誠度之研究 = = The Study of Home Stay Consumer Loyalty in Hualien County : 以花蓮地區為例 /
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影響加油站顧客忠誠度因素之探討 = = The Impact Factors on Customer Loyalty in Retail Gas Industry : An Empirical Study of Service Stations in Taipei Metropolitan : 以台北地區加油站為例 /
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影響銀行財富管理顧客忠誠度因素之探討 = = The Study of Customer Loyalty in the Wealth Management /
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探討網站特性、服務品質、知覺價值、關係品質與顧客忠誠度之關係 = = The Study of the Relationship among Web Site Characters, Service Quality, Perceived Value, Relationship Quality and Customer Loyalty : An Empirical Study of Hi-Tech Information Intelligence Industry in Taiwan : 以台灣地區資訊產業情報機構的資料庫會員制為例 /
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美語雜誌消費者顧客忠誠度之研究 = = The Study of Customer Loyalty for English Magazine Consumers /
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探討國內ERP使用者之顧客忠誠度 = = The Study of Customer Loyalty of ERP Users in Taiwan /
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企業社會績效表現對顧客行為的影響 = = The Influences of Corporate Social Performance on Customer Behavior : The Verification of Cross level Mediator"Customer Identification" : 「顧客認同」跨層次中介角色的驗證 /
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化工建材銷售行為之研究 = = Selling behavior study of chemical building materials : an example of silicone rubber : 以矽橡膠為例 /
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服務品質、顧客滿意與顧客忠誠類型關係之研究 : = 以美崙觀光酒廠為例 = Study on the Relations among Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty Types : Using Hualien Distillery as an Example /
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服務業真實性前因與結果之研究 = = A study on the antecedents and consequences of perceived authenticity in the service industry /
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顧客關係管理、關係品質、品牌認同對顧客忠誠度、顧客公民行為影響之研究 : = 以花蓮高爾夫球場為例 = A Study on the influence of customer relationship management, relationship quality, and brand identity upon customer loyalty and customer citizenship behaviors – using Hualien golf course as an example /
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服務業有效顧客旅程、關係品質與顧客反應間關係之研究 = = A Study on the relationships between effective customer journey design、relationship quality and customer responses in the service /
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原住民部落遊客真實性體驗之研究 : = 以秀林鄉太魯閣族感恩祭為例 = A study on the authenticity experience of aboriginal tribe tourists - take the thanksgiving ceremony of Taroko in Xiulin township as an example /
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消費者購買成藥之顧客忠誠度探討 = = The Study of Customer Loyalty in Purchasing Non-Prescription Drugs /
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服務接觸要素對「顧客-公司認同」之影響 = = The Influences of Service Encounter Factors on Customer-Company Identification : Taking the Customers of the Hotel in Hualien Country for Example : 以花蓮縣飯店的顧客為例 /
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美容沙龍業之顧客忠誠度分析 = = The Study of the Customer Loyalty for the Beauty Saloon Industry /
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影響女性顧客購買化妝品忠誠度之關係探討 = = The Study of Female Customer Loyalty in Purchasing Cosmetics /
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國際觀光旅館顧客忠誠度之研究 = = The Study of Customer Loyalty : An Empirical Study of an International Hotel in Hualien : 以花蓮某國際觀光旅館為例 /
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太魯閣國家公園遊客體驗價值之研究 = = The Research on Tourist Experiential Value in the Taroko National Park /
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線上旅遊商店之顧客忠誠度研究 = = The Study of Customer Loyalty for Online Travel Agencies /
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服務品質與專業能力對顧客忠誠度之影響-以基層醫療院所為例 = = The influence of Service Quality and Professional competence TO Customer Loyalty - The Case of Clinics /
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金融機構個人理財業務關係行銷策略對顧客關係品質之研究 = = A study of relationship marketing strategy and customer relationship qualities for the Personal Banking Business of Financial Institutions /
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服務接觸要素對顧客價值、顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度之影響 = = The Effects of service contact factor on customer value, customer satisfaction and customer satisfaction and customer loyalty - dramaturgical theory perspective : 劇場理論之觀點 /
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服務環境知覺、服務人員表現、顧客價值與顧客反應間關係之研究 : = 以台灣東部長期照護機構為例 = Research on the Relationship Among Service Environment Perception, Service Staff Performance, Customer Value and Customer Response - Investigation of Long-term Care Facilities in Eastern Taiwan /
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服務品質、顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度之研究 : = 以醫療業為例 = An Empirical Study of the Relationships of Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty : The Case of Medical Service Industry /
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觀光工廠顧客知覺真實性與顧客反應間關係之研究 = = A Study on the Relationship between Customer Perceived Authenticity and Customer Responses in Tourism Factory /
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